Rhythm Blog | Association and Membership Management

Rhythm Core Values: Move at Internet Speed

Written by Anna Spessard | May 9, 2022 1:15:15 PM

MOVE AT INTERNET SPEED — This blog is part of a series where we do a deep dive into Rhythm’s core values and guiding principles. Our core values are an intentional declaration of what we believe, how we make decisions, and how we move our organization forward with alignment.


“Moving at internet speed means understanding associations on a deep level so that Rhythm can continuously develop new functionality with customer needs in mind." — Blake Graham, Sr. Product Specialist

When we talk to customers, many of them are frustrated with the feeling of being unheard by their technology partners.

That’s why we were intentional about putting processes in place to foster customer joy and understanding when we founded Rhythm. This kind of organizational structure allows us to respond to feedback quickly and iterate on our processes, ensuring that customers feel heard as the business scales. 

This happens at every level of the business. For example, if a support rep hears that a customer is frustrated, there should be infrastructure in place that allows them to escalate the issue to their manager and up through the ranks, even if they’re a junior employee who has only been at the company for a month. Every team member should feel empowered to take action for the customer.

"We're constantly improving our workflows and iterating on the product as we receive feedback. This proactive approach fosters the delivery of high-quality outputs that truly meet customer needs — and allows us to launch new features and functionality that everyone can feel good about." — Briana Hunter, Web Designer

Move at Internet Speed is also about recognizing the new reality we live in.  The market used to be satisfied with upgrade packs that were released once or twice a year. Today, we open our phones to twenty apps that need to be updated, and that’s the kind of improvement we’ve come to expect.

Luckily, at Rhythm, we’ve harnessed the power of continuous deployment to ensure we keep the system up and running — without hindering the release of multiple enhancements per day. Our customers get all the benefits of rapid innovation, without any of the scheduled maintenance or unexpected downtimes.