What's New at Rhythm

August 2021 Progress Report

Written by Anna Spessard | Aug 13, 2021 4:31:23 PM

In the summer of 2017, members of our team were sitting in a room of 200 association executives at an industry conference. When the speaker asked the audience who loved their AMS, we looked around. It was silent. Not a single person raised their hand.

That's why we chose to build Rhythm using cloud-native technology. It’s what allows us to innovate as quickly and as often as we do. Here, innovation always starts with a conversation. It starts with you. Customers tell us about a pain point or a problem, and we try to find (or build) an intuitive, high-performing, and delightful solution.

You shouldn’t have to do this alone, which is why Rhythm will become an extension of your team. Together, we’ll help you meet the ever-growing expectations of your members and simultaneously save you time, money, and resources. Better yet, your voice will be an integral part of our product roadmap. That means your voice will be considered as we design and implement new functionality, and you’ll enjoy an AMS that feels intuitive, helpful, and easy to use.

Okay, okay. So clearly, innovation and customer joy are important to us. They go hand-in-hand. So... where’s the proof, right? We’re glad you asked.

Here are some of the facts about how Rhythm has performed in the first half of 2021. Check out our year-to-date progress report to see for yourself.


Since January 1st of this year, we’ve resolved over 1,300 support tickets. 120 of those were bug fixes that improved the overall product performance for everyone. With an average response time of 627 milliseconds, we’re proud to engineer one of the industry's speediest Association Management Software solutions. 

Here at Rhythm, we really value transparency. A part of that is sharing all the fun stuff - and another part is to be honest about hiccups along the way. In April of this year, we experienced issues with our identity management partner, Auth0. There were about 4 hours of downtime in which our customers were affected, and our partner details the incident here. During this time, we communicated with customers on an hourly basis and kept Rhythm’s status page up to date with any new information. While an outage is never good news, we’re pleased that there have been no further Auth0 outages since this date (as reflected by their status page).

Finally, on July 13th, Rhythm experienced a brief, 10-minute portal outage. A member of our team discovered the issue, and we identified and fixed it before any of our customers reported a problem. 


Now for the fun part: Innovation.  Rhythm has made over 1,800 deployments since January 1st, 2021. With that track record, we’re optimizing the product an average of 8 times per day, 7 days a week. 

Pair those numbers with a 99.9% uptime and over 47,000 monthly active users, and you’ve got an exceptionally reliable system.

But we didn’t stop there.  Since the beginning of this year, we’ve released  7 new apps and major functionalities, plus 5 out-of-the-box integrations for customers. 

One of the reasons we chose to become the first cloud-native Association Management Software was because we saw an opportunity to do things differently. With a serverless architecture, we can innovate, troubleshoot and deploy solutions quickly and effectively. That’s why you can sit back, relax, and trust us to get things done

“According to Google’s 2019 State of DevOps Report, elite performers like Rhythm deploy changes 208x faster than other groups. According to data, those changes are about 7x less likely to fail. And when things do go wrong, they recover 2,604x faster.”

 - Jim Catts, CTO at Rhythm Software

Pretty cool, right?

Ready to make the switch? Chat with our sales team today.