What's New at Rhythm

June 2022 Product Roundup

Written by Anna Spessard | Jul 6, 2022 1:12:03 PM

Here at Rhythm, we believe that a great product is just as much about optimizing existing features as it is about building new ones. While we’re always adding more functionality, we’re also listening to our customers and making enhancements that will give them a better experience and make their jobs easier.

The Product Roundup is your chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at what we’ve been working on. These features may not be the biggest or shiniest, but they’ll have a positive impact on your teams and your members. Over time, these updates add up! Keep reading to learn more about June’s releases.

Key Enhancements


💡Manually Update Order Status

During implementation, the Rhythm team works carefully with your team to ensure all the data is mapped and imported the way you think it should be. However, implementation is a lot of work, and we know you’re busy during that time. If you go live and realize some of your order statuses aren’t up-to-date, fear not!

We’ve added a new capability in the system to manually close out orders that are stuck in an “Open” or “Awaiting Shipping” status. Rather than re-importing the data, you can make the changes you need to with the click of a button. Simply select “Close” from the dropdown menu on the Order 360 screen.

💡Phase Advancement in Accreditations

Rhythm’s new Phase Advancement feature allows your association to move a select number of institutions from one phase to the next during the accreditation process.

Similar to Rhythm’s billing run feature, you can configure a template with various criteria within the system. Any organizations that meet those criteria can be moved onto the next phase in bulk, eliminating the manual workload generally associated with this process.

Phase Advancement makes a less tedious experience for your team, and it allows organizations to get their accreditation faster!

💡Remove Renew/Join Option for Lapsed Members

In Rhythm, a membership lapses after the specified grace period has expired. After this period, expired members were still receiving the option to join as a new member or renew their membership — and depending on the association’s fee structure, it may also be cheaper than reinstatement.

Of course, when a member creates a new membership instead of reinstating their old one, lots of important details on their record can get lost. That’s why we went ahead and created the option to remove the join/renew button for people who allow their membership to expire. From here on out, they’ll need to reinstate their membership.

💡Query Group Registrations

We’ve upgraded the query experience at Rhythm to include group registrations! While the individual registration was visible in past queries, now your team will be able to see which group they’re a part of, too! It’s important that you know who is attending your event and which group they’re attending with — this feature makes it much easier to do so!

💡Preview Invoice Templates

In an effort to save you a few extra steps, we’ve added the ability to easily preview invoice payment & refund templates directly in the console! Design the templates using any merge fields you desire, then click “Preview” to see how it will display to your members.

Ready to discover a better way to do things?