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Employee Spotlight: Briana from Services

Written by Anna Spessard | Jul 21, 2022 3:03:33 PM


Title: Jr. Web Designer

Department: Services

Time at Rhythm: 1 year


What made you want to work here?
It was important to me that I could be transparent about my skillset — what I know how to do, and what I’d need to learn how to do. The Rhythm team appreciated my honesty and reciprocated the same kind of transparency.

I felt like I could show up as 100% of myself throughout the entire interview process. Once I met the team and learned more about the company mission, it was a wrap! I knew this was where I wanted to be.

What does a day in your current role look like?
I always work out of my queue in Asana, but each day looks different. I work across multiple teams, creating custom portals for Sales, provisioning portals for Services, and building templates for Customer Experience. I also spend time developing my design process and making necessary style updates.

What do you enjoy most about being a Jr. Web Designer?
I get to do a little bit of everything, and the variety of projects I work on are very balanced. I troubleshoot to solve problems, I get to be creative with my designs, and I spend time coding on a daily basis. The hands-on experience has been so valuable.

Which Rhythm core value do you connect with the most?
World-Class team! I’ve had so much support from everyone at Rhythm. My onboarding experience was so comprehensive and full of check-ins from leadership. Now, I get to interface with the engineering team and ask them about anywhere I might be stuck. Andi Ruda can code laps around me, but he has never hesitated to stop what he’s doing and answer my questions.

How have you grown professionally since joining the team?
I’m way more creative with problem-solving. If I get an issue that I haven’t seen before, it doesn’t rattle me. I know how to research and troubleshoot, because we have the autonomy and trust from leadership to take that initiative.

What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?
When I started at Rhythm, I was creating demo portals for prospective customers. But within a few weeks, I started getting requests to fix issues in live portals. While I definitely had some training, I also learned so much through trial and error. It wasn’t always easy, but I gained a lot of confidence and really started to own and develop my role.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
A college friend once said to me, “The only thing that's stopping you from what you want to be is taking action”. When I started learning to code, I’d remember those words. They encouraged me to keep taking the next step towards my goals, even when the path wasn’t always clear.

What are some of your favorite hobbies or pastimes?
I love fashion. When the Met Gala is on, you can guarantee I’ll be in front of the TV watching every second. I’ve always loved shopping, collecting fashion magazines, and analyzing the latest trends.

I love concerts — sometimes I forget who I’ve already seen because I’ve been to so many! Also, I’m a brunch queen. You wanna go out to eat, I’m the friend you call!

What’s something most people would be surprised to learn about you?
I’m a published editor. I used to do freelance writing for a digital magazine about sustainability, fashion, lifestyle, and music.

If you could meet a fictional character in real life, who would it be and why?
Carrie Bradshaw. She’s timeless, iconic, and effortless. It’s a rare combination of qualities, and something I admire. To younger me, she was living the dream life in NYC!

If you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d do?
I’d take a month-long getaway to Jamaica, Italy, or Greece and completely unplug for a bit.

Then, I’d want to use my money for good. My mom is from a rural community in Jamaica, and I’d love to help build new infrastructure to improve the quality of life for residents!

What song would be on the soundtrack of your life?
“I Wonder” by Kanye West.